About Craig Kvien

Dr. Kvien’s current research is focused on improving the Hull-Scrape technique for determining peanut maturity and best harvest date on current and soon to be released peanut cultivars, and on identifying peanut lines with superior root growth characteristics for use in plant breeding programs.

Past research efforts include the use of precision agriculture techniques to improve crop water use efficiencies, and define within field management zones. Craig helped develop the National Environmentally Sound Production Agriculture Laboratory (NESPAL) and the recently completed Future Farmstead – a net zero energy water home that serves as a research tool and home for a few lucky graduate students.

In the course “Application of Technology in Production Agriculture” (AESC 4520 - also known as the Capstone class), Craig also helps students learn how many of the social and political forces that impact agriculture work. Students travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with trade associations, federal agencies, advocacy and lobbying groups, congressional staffers and spend a weekend on the Mall visiting the memorials, museums along with a performance by “Capital Steps” another at the Kennedy Center.