Emily Bedwell

Name: Emily Bedwell

Hometown: Laurel, MS

Year in School: Graduate Student (Ph.D.)


In her own words ...

Where are you from, and why did you choose to study at UGA/CAES?
Laurel, MS. I chose to study at UGA because of its groundbreaking research in Precision Agriculture.

What is your major/degree program, and what department?
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Crop and Soil Sciences

Why did you choose your major?
I have an immense passion for agriculture as well as the environment, therefore precision ag quickly became a source of fervor for me! I love that precision ag technology not only benefits growers, but also benefits the environment.

What is your favorite class you have taken?
Advanced Topics in Precision Agriculture (CRSS 6060)

Who has been your favorite instructor?
Dr. George Vellidis

What has been the best experience you've had so far at the college?
The best experience I have had so far at UGA has been meeting so many different people from drastically different backgrounds that all have similar interests and passions. I have made some amazing friends here at UGA Tifton; friends that I feel will last a lifetime. For that, I am extremely grateful! I have also really enjoyed being close to some amazing state parks!

What do you want to do with what you have learned here?
I would like to take the knowledge that I have gained and will gain at UGA and take it into the industry of precision ag to develop technologies that will increase efficiency of agricultural production! I would also love to take the knowledge that I will gain during my time at UGA and use it when I (hopefully) teach on a collegiate level, someday!

How has your experience at UGA changed you?
My experience at UGA has made me more open-minded, adventurous, and confident. Meeting so many new people from so many different places has surely opened my mind. Working in the niche field of precision ag has also changed me to be quicker to try and learn new things. The knowledge that I am gaining from my research and classes have made me feel confident in my skills!

Thinking of the word agriculture - what does agriculture mean to you? In what ways does agriculture impact your life and your culture?
When I think "agriculture" I think of feeding and clothing the world. I think of the growers whose livelihoods depend on their crops. I think of the innovation that scientists and researchers around the world have worked on day and night to improve the global quality of life. Agriculture impacts my life and culture each day. Every time I go to the grocery store, I think of the journey that the produce has taken and how grateful we are to be able to put it in our bag, pay for it, and take it home to consume. Each time I fill up my car at the gas station, I think about the field corn that was used to create the ethanol. There is not a single person on this earth that agriculture does not impact in some form or fashion, therefore there are ALWAYS steps to take to increase attainability and sustainability for us all.

What do you like to do outside of class — hobbies, interests, secret talents?
Outside of class, I love to camp, hike, kayak, bird watch, and geocache! I also love spending time with my 5 year old pug, Asher, and my husband, Cameron!