Hannah Lindell

Hannah Lindell


Hannah C. Lindell is a doctoral student in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Georgia (UGA) where she was awarded the Presidential Fellow Scholarship. She is pursuing her Ph.D. in Crop and Soil Sciences, focusing on Weed Science. Hannah received her Master of Science in Plant and Soil Sciences - Weed Science from Oklahoma State University (Stillwater, OK) in December 2021. Her thesis research explored the integrated management of Bromus species in Grain Only Winter Wheat Production of the Southern Great Plains. She received her Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Food Systems with a focus on Agricultural Technology and Production Management while minoring in Crop Science from Washington State University (Pullman, WA) from 2015 to 2019. During her bachelor's she conducted undergraduate research in Weed Science evaluating the use of Cruiser Maxx seed treatment as a tool for downy brome control in wheat.

Research Interests

Hannah’s research interests span a diverse range of agricultural practices aimed at enhancing sustainability and productivity. She is particularly intrigued by the dynamic interplay between integrated management methods such as tillage, cover crop, and herbicide management, and the shifts and population dynamics in weed populations. Through these endeavors, Hannah aspires to contribute to advancing cover crop agricultural practices and the resilience of farming systems while conveying findings to producers and agents in the state via extension updates, publications, and field days.

Current Projects

In the realm of cover crops, Hannah is currently exploring the synergism of POST emergence herbicide (Glufosinate) and annual cover crops (cereal rye and crimson clover) and perennial living mulch (white clover) on Palmer amaranth population dynamics in cotton production, with an emphasis on fostering natural ecological balances. Within the same system, she is studying the longevity and degradation of weed seeds (Palmer amaranth, Morningglory, Broadleaf signalgrass, and Large crabgrass) across those cover crops over three years and at various soil depths, seeking to unveil solutions for long-term weed management practices. Furthermore, she's investigating the utilization of cereal rye cover crops in peanut production and its potential to influence herbicide dissipation in the soil, aiming to optimize weed control strategies while minimizing environmental impacts. Lastly, she is evaluating the dynamic interplay between conventional, strip-till, and no-till, and herbicide management on weed species shifts in Enlist field corn.

Recent Work

  • The Cover Crop That Never Dies: Scientists Explore Living Mulch
    Imagine a cover crop that never stops growing — nestled between the rows of a cash crop, continuously suppressing weeds and supplementing the soil. Would this practice, known as “living mulch,” work in southern cotton fields? Could it help farmers facing the fiercest of weeds — Palmer amaranth? That’s what my research team at the University of Georgia is exploring, under the direction of Dr. Nicholas Basinger. While the answers aren’t clear yet, we are learning how different types of cover crops — cereal rye, crimson clover and living mulch — affect weed emergence, growth and seedbank.

Favorite Quote

"I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do." — Michael Scott; The Office, Season 5: Stress Relief