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Nancy Hinkle CAES News
Urban Entomology Award
The Entomological Society of America’s Southeastern Branch presented University of Georgia entomologist Nancy Hinkle with its 2014 Recognition Award in Urban Entomology.
Tim Young, center, receives the Flavor of Georgia grand prize for his Georgia Gold Clothbound Cheddar from Gov. Nathan Deal and Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black on March 18. CAES News
Flavor of Georgia Winners
Elberton farmer, cheese maker and local food advocate Tim Young took home the grand prize from the 2014 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest on March 18. The annual contest, conducted by the University of Georgia Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, is a chance for food businesses to showcase their new products.
Despite a few nights with single-digit low temperatures, Georgia experienced a near normal winter. CAES News
Average Winter
Despite some bone-chilling days with single digit lows, Georgia’s winter was about average in both temperature and precipitation.
Fire ants scurry along a piece of wood CAES News
Ants in Veggies
Nothing will put a stop to early spring, planting-bed preparation like the appearance of a giant fire ant mound in the middle of a vegetable garden.
This year's El Nino could cause a late frost this spring. Be ready with these tips from UGA Extension. CAES News
Late Frost
With the polar vortex sliding around unpredictably this winter and this spring’s weather projected to be unpredictable, at best, many Georgia gardeners may be weary of a late frost.
Don't let fire ants ruin your afternoons. CAES News
Fire Ant Removal
Nothing ruins a good cookout or run through the sprinklers like a mound of fire ants. With warmer weather around the corner, early spring is the time to tackle fire ants problems before they spoil summer fun.
A deer dines on pasture grass in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Deer Control
Home gardeners love adding plants to their landscapes. Deer love eating them. University of Georgia Extension experts share a few ways to attempt to control them.
St. Augustinegrass seedheads CAES News
Grass Facts
What type of plant makes up most of the lawns in Georgia? If you shrugged and answered “grass,” you’re not alone. Homeowners spend hours mowing and treating their lawns, but many don’t know much about the plants that make up the green expanse between their driveways and front doors.
Squash vine borer larva inside squash vine. CAES News
Modified Organics
To place the certified organic seal on their produce, farmers must follow a strict list of rules. Home gardeners who want to use organic practices can take the first steps by using methods one University of Georgia expert calls “modified organics.”
Tomato leaves can curl in response to environmental stresses, like lack of water, or as a symptom of a disease, like tomato leaf curl virus, shown here. CAES News
Control Plant Diseases
The same fungal, bacteria and viral diseases that affect vegetable farmers can have the same detrimental impact on backyard gardeners’ spring and fall gardens.