The Department of Crop and Soil Sciences (CRSS) has a two-tiered approach to advising where each student has an academic advisor and a faculty mentor with whom they will meet every Fall and Spring to select courses for the upcoming semester.
Academic advisors ensure that students meet all requirements for graduation as well as assist with course selection, schedule planning, and other academic issues.
These advisors also help students connect with various campus resources like academic coaching, career counseling, and study-abroad opportunities.
Faculty mentors help students tailor their academic plans, so that they fit their unique interests and career goals.
Faculty mentors provide advice on internships, research opportunities, and career planning. They have first-hand experience in many different fields and are well-connected to industry partners, local/state/federal agencies and nonprofit organizations, thus offering valuable insight for work or school after graduation.
Students are encouraged to talk to their faculty mentors about their future goals and any other questions they may have related to their field of study.
The Advising Process
There are 4 steps in the advising process:
- The student meets with their academic advisor.
- The student meets with their faculty mentor.
- The faculty mentor or the CRSS Academic Services Professional clears the student's advising holds.
- The student can now register for classes.

Advising Appointments
If you are new to UGA, you will be advised and cleared to register at orientation. If you recently changed to a major in CAES, you will receive your new advisor assignment through Student Advising and Guidance Expert (SAGE) in two business days.
Every spring and fall students first meet with their academic advisor and then their faculty mentor to select courses for the upcoming semester. Your academic advisor will send you an email to notify you when it is time to log into SAGE and schedule an appointment. During the meeting with your academic advisor, you will be advised on how to contact your faculty mentor to make an appointment with them.
Get the most out of your appointments with your academic advisor and your faculty mentor by coming prepared. Review your DegreeWorks audit, course descriptions and the schedule of classes on Athena, and make a list of possible classes you would like to take along with any questions you have for your advisors. During your appointments, you and your advisor or faculty mentor will review your progress and work together to create a plan for the upcoming semester(s).
At UGA, academic advising is a mandatory and essential part of the undergraduate educational experience. Students are expected to be active participants in the academic advising process. The academic landscape is always subject to change, and although academic advisors and faculty mentors provide guidance and advice, each student is ultimately responsible for knowing and understanding the degree requirements and policies related to their academic plans.
Advising Holds
After a student has met with both their academic advisor and their faculty mentor, they can then request to have their advising hold cleared so they can register for classes.
CRSS students can either request that their faculty mentor clear their advising hold during their meeting with them, or if a faculty mentor is unable to clear their advising hold during the meeting, then the student should email and copy their faculty mentor and request to have their advising hold cleared.
Suggested Wording for Email Requesting to Clear an Advising Hold
CC: Student's Faculty Mentor
Subject: Request to clear an advising hold
Dear CRSS Academic Services Professional,
My name is ___________ and my 81# is ____________.
I am requesting that my advising hold be cleared so that I can register for my Fall or Spring/Summer courses. I met with both my academic advisor/Debbie Hargrave and my faculty mentor __________ .
Thanks for your assistance with this.
Register for Classes
Your Academic Advisor will provide you with detailed instructions on how to register for classes. You will do this online in the secure ATHENA system.
Special Circumstances You May Encounter When Registering
Registration Overrides
Registration overrides may be necessary for a variety of reasons: when a student hasn’t completed a prerequisite for a course, if a course requires permission of department for registration, or when a course or lab section is full.
Course Exceptions
DegreeWorks course exceptions may be necessary for a variety of reasons: when a student needs to substitute a course that is needed for their degree or when a student needs to change the # of times a course can be taken or they need to change the credit limit for a requirement (e.g., CRSS 3910/20/30 or CRSS 4960).