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Student working at UGA's organic demonstration farm at the Durham Horticulture Farm, at 1221 Hog Mountain Road in Watkinsville. CAES News
Organic Twilight Tour
UGA organic and sustainable agriculture experts will host the second annual Organic Twilight Tour on July 11 at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences organic research farm in Watkinsville.
Dr. Allan Armitage, author and UGA horticulturalist, Introduces gardeners to this year's must have plants at the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia's annual Plantapalooza plant sale in April. CAES News
Trial Gardens Open House
Friends, fellow plant lovers and groupies are invited to take one last walk around the Garden with Dr. A at the Trial Gardens at UGA’s annual Public Open House on July 13 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
This diagram shows the locations and numbered sequence of cuts to remove a branch from a tree. CAES News
Summer pruning
This year’s extraordinarily wet winter and spring has and will continue to stimulate rapid production of new leaves in many of our woody landscape plants. This lush new growth may now need to be trimmed to prevent shading of vegetable gardens and flowerbeds.
Vidalia onions growing in Lyons, Ga. CAES News
Perfect Vidalias
Most Vidalia onion lovers choose the Georgia-grown onion because it tastes sweet. University of Georgia scientists are searching for a way to help Vidalia onion farmers guarantee their crop meets consumers’ expectations – sweet, but not too pungent.
Dac Crossley, emeritus curator of mites for the Georgia Museum of Natural History, collected the first of the museum's Georgia-grown Brood II cicadas over Memorial Day weekend in White County. The museum's curators are asking the public to send any intact cicada carcasses they find to help study the Brood II emergence in Georgia. (Credit: J. Merritt Melancon/UGA) CAES News
Cicada time
After weeks of anticipation, insect watchers are getting the show of a lifetime as the Brood II periodical cicadas emerge from the soil in the north Georgia mountains. University of Georgia entomologists are hoping to use the public’s interest in this year’s emergence as a chance to research and better map the range of the cicadas.
Michael Strand and Kevin D. Clark's recently published study refocused the way scientists view the development of melanin in insects. CAES News
Understanding insect defense
For scientists who study insects, having a correct model of how an insect forms melanin is important for not only their research on insect structures but also on how to control them. In a new study, published May 17 in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, University of Georgia entomologists find that the model they and other scientists have been using is wrong.
Recently hatched kudzu bug nymphs CAES News
Kudzu bugs
Kudzu bugs’ diets consist of mostly kudzu and soybeans, but more and more often they’re getting blamed for devouring all sorts of plants.
A push mower used to mow turfgrass. CAES News
Summer lawn care
Having a healthy, attractive lawn is an integral part of a beautiful home landscape. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say following these five steps can help you achieve an awe-inspiring lawn this summer.
Corn tassels stretch toward the sun in a Spalding County, Ga., garden. CAES News
Organic grain production
There are about 1 million acres of certified organic grain and oil seed fields in the United States, but not many in Georgia. The growing demand for organic grains and seed oils in the southeast could change that. With several new potential mills that can handle organic grain coming on line in Georgia, there are new opportunities to enter this growing market.
Father's Day event
Celebrate Father’s Day with two of dad’s favorite things: fishing and antique cars. The Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens in Savannah will hold Fishing, Food and Antique Autos at the Bamboo Farm on Saturday, June 15 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.