News Stories - Page 8

Mel Garber sits beside his wife, Barbara Bankston. CAES News
UGA Cognitive Aging Research and Education Center helps patients, families navigate challenges of dementia
Mel Garber remembers the phone call clearly. “How do we turn off the fireplace again?” His wife, Barbara Bankston, was on the other end of the line. She’d turned that fireplace on and off a thousand times. It’s a gas fireplace, so all you have to do is turn the knob, Mel told her. Maybe it was a one-time slip of the mind, he thought. They were getting older.
UGA Extension director Laura Perry Johnson (left) and N.C. State Extension director Rich Bonnano smile after accepting their honors at the annual Southern Region Program Leadership Network conference in August. CAES News
Extension advances reach in Southern region
Members of the Southern Region Program Leadership Network, Association of Extension Administrators and the Association of Southern Region Extension Directors, including those from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, convened in Orlando, Florida, for the annual conference. This year, Laura Perry Johnson received the Association of Southern Region Extension Directors’ Award for Excellence in Leadership, a career-long service award for those who lead Extension programs across the Southeast.
University of Georgia Athletic Association Endowed Professor Gerald Henry leads a research team in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences committed to creating sports fields that can limit the occurrence of injuries for the athletes playing on them. (Photo by Jason Thrasher) CAES News
Gerald Henry’s turfgrass research helps grow fields fit for champions
When the two-time reigning national champion Georgia Bulldogs step between the hedges at Sanford Stadium this fall, Dooley Field needs to look the part. More importantly, though, it needs to help safeguard the health of athletes who compete on it. Gerald Henry plays a big role in the latter.
University of Georgia develops techniques, tools and best practices for sustainable blueberry production amid climate change. CAES News
UGA develops tools and best practices for sustainable blueberry production amid climate change
For Zilfina Rubio Ames, blueberry research begins after the plant is bred and in the ground. An assistant professor of horticulture in the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and a small-fruit specialist with UGA Cooperative Extension, Rubio Ames endeavors to better understand blueberry plant physiology and how it can be manipulated to increase production efficiency.
How can we achieve agricultural resilience in a changing climate? CAES News
CAES works toward agricultural resilience amid climate change
Agriculture is dependent on nature. Even seemingly minor temperature variations have a significant impact on the precise mechanics of plants, animals and insects. As average temperatures have warmed by 3 degrees over the past century, the question remains — how will we adapt our agricultural practices to ensure that all people continue to have access to food, fiber and fuel now and in the future?
CAES alumnus and Georgia native builds community in his adopted city. CAES News
Environmental resource science grad builds career as Motor City Bulldog
It is no wonder that Marcus Jones owns five companies. Growing up in Decatur, Georgia, he has long had a knack for business, from selling candy in seventh grade to brokering real estate at the University of Georgia. By his senior year at UGA, he had launched an online clothing boutique with friends.