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Crimson clover and rye grow together to form a cover crop in a research plot on the University of Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center in Blairsville, Ga. CAES News
Cover crops
With fall just around the corner, summer gardens may be looking a little anemic. Many backyard gardeners choose to let their gardens fizzle out slowly, with the first frost putting the final blow to our summer bounty. You may be daydreaming of next year’s spring garden and what you can plant to better your past efforts.
Jason Peake, associate professor at the UGA Tifton Campus, talks with his students in a class during last spring semester. CAES News
UGA Tifton Academics
The University of Georgia Tifton Campus’ recipe for a successful academic program combines three ingredients: small class sizes, a hands-on learning approach and world-class scientists. The result is an academic program that appeals to individuals vying for top employment opportunities in agriculture.
John Beasley, a former professor at the UGA Tifton Campus, talks to a student during a showCAES@UGAsoutheast event. This year's southeast event will be held Oct. 4 in Statesboro. CAES News
CAES Academics
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will be showcased in a pair of upcoming recruitment events
Mosquitoes feed on sugar water in Mark Brown's endocrinology lab on UGA's Athens campus. CAES News
Mosquito season

Although the rate of mosquito-borne diseases has been low this summer, University of Georgia experts urge the public to continue to take caution during this last month of mosquito season.

Guy Collins, an Extension cotton agronomist with the University of Georgia-Tifton campus, talks about cotton to producers and consultants at the Southeast Georgia Research and Education Center Field Day in Midville on Aug. 14. CAES News
UGA Field Day
Cotton and peanut research will be showcased on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus on Wednesday, Sept. 11.
Guy Collins, an Extension cotton agronomist with the University of Georgia-Tifton campus, talks about cotton to producers and consultants at the Southeast Georgia Research and Education Center Field Day in Midville on Aug. 14. CAES News
UGA Field Day
Cotton and peanut research will be showcased on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus on Wednesday, Sept. 11.

Scientists from the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ commodity teams will discuss their latest research during the annual UGA Cotton and Peanut Research Field Day.

Bat removal
If you have bats in your belfry, or your attic, now is the time to remove them before they hibernate in your home for the winter.
University of Georgia food scientist Walid Alali CAES News
Young Researcher Award
The International Association of Food Protection has recognized University of Georgia food scientist Walid Alali with the 2013 Larry Beuchat Young Researcher Award.
Close up of emerald ash borers in the Georgia Natural History Museum. CAES News
Emerald Ash Borers
For years foresters and invasive insect experts have been on the lookout for the arrival of an unwelcome guest in Georgia. Now that it’s here, they hope the public will help restrict its spread within Georgia.
J. Scott Angle, dean and director, UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
UGA Student Success
Each year as a new group of freshmen shows up for the first day of class at the University of Georgia, I’m reminded of all the students who have crossed our path and now make up the rich fabric of our strong agricultural economy. Our graduates can be found in boardrooms and on ball fields, in legislatures and laboratories, classrooms, cow pastures and cotton fields all over the world.