News Stories - Page 48

Peanut comparison of healthy peanuts vs. peanuts infected with white mold disease in 2017. CAES News
Georgia farmers considering early harvest time for peanut crop
Plant diseases, like leaf spot and white mold, are forcing Georgia peanut farmers to consider moving their harvest times up a few days, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension peanut agronomist Scott Monfort.
Whiteflies on a cotton plant in a lab on the UGA Tifton campus.
August 24, 2018 CAES News
Whitefly pressure a concern for cotton growers with late planted crop
Georgia cotton farmers who planted their crop late this year need to be mindful of potential whitefly pressure, according to Phillip Roberts, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension entomologist.
Peanut harvest will be delayed this year because of Hurricane Michael and the damage to buying points and shellers in South Georgia. CAES News
Peach State proves to be peanut powerhouse
National Peanut Day is September 13. Although Georgia is known as the "Peach State," it is also the No. 1 producer of peanuts in the U.S. Last year, American farmers produced almost 2 million tons of peanuts. The U.S. is ranked third in worldwide peanut production, behind China and India.
Field days like this one “serve as a direct conduit between growers, agents and scientists,” says Mark McCann, assistant dean for UGA Cooperative Extension. Field days also allow UGA specialists to share their research and farmers to gain knowledge, all with the benefit of improving Georgia agriculture. CAES News
Row crop field day in Midville highlights UGA large scale trials
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) specialists and UGA Cooperative Extension agents hosted a Row Crop Field Day on Aug. 15, 2018, at the Southeast Georgia Research and Education Center in Midville, Georgia. The field day highlighted the facility’s research on Georgia row crops such as cotton, peanuts, corn and soybeans.
Rainfall during August was heavier than normal over the western half of the state and lighter over the eastern half. CAES News
Georgia wet in the west, dry in the east in August 2018
Heavy rainfall across the western half of Georgia helped to keep daytime temperatures low, while nighttime temperatures were a little above normal throughout August. 
About 160 soybean scientists tour UGA's Iron Horse during the 2018 Soybean Breeders Tour. CAES News
Scientists put soy in the spotlight at international conference hosted by UGA
People don’t often associate Georgia with soybeans, but for a time last week, the state became the epicenter for international soybean science.