News Stories - Page 57

When yards are flooded, residential well safety is of paramount importance. Cities and counties alert citizens with boil advisories when municipal water supplies are affected, but those who rely on wells for water have to monitor their water themselves. Wells that have been overtopped by flood waters need to flushed and tested for bacteria because of the potential danger of contaminants being washed into the well. CAES News
Flooded wells need to flushed and tested
Hurricanes and tropical storms can cause structural damage, but flood waters can harm families by tainting water supplies. Cities and counties alert citizens with boil advisories when municipal water supplies are affected, but those who rely on wells for water have to monitor their water themselves.
Tall fescue research plots on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
September and October are perfect for seeding tall fescue lawns
To successfully establish a new tall fescue lawn or interseed an existing lawn, consider the following techniques and practices from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
As concerns grow over the ability of the Upper Floridan Aquifer to keep up with demands for water from residents, farms and forests, four universities are teaming up to look at the economic sustainability of agriculture and forestry in north Florida and south Georgia that rely on this water supply. CAES News
UGA study to focus on the long-term economic sustainability of the Upper Floridan Aquifer
As concerns grow over the ability of the Upper Floridan Aquifer to keep up with demands for water from residents, farms and forests, four universities are teaming up to look at the economic sustainability of agriculture and forestry in north Florida and south Georgia that rely on this water supply.
The picture represents the sustained presence of labeled neural stem cells (NSCs) within the 'Brain Glue' construct four weeks after a severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), according to University of Georgia scientist Lohitash Karumbaiah who led the team that designed and created Brain Glue. The construct laden with labeled NSCs was delivered directly into the lesion 48 hours post-TBI. CAES News
UGA researchers develop 'Brain Glue' to repair traumatic brain injuries
Researchers at the University of Georgia’s Regenerative Bioscience Center have developed Brain Glue, a substance that could one day serve as a treatment for traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs. 
Steers graze on sorghum-sudangrass hybrid forage at the UGA Eatonton Beef Research Unit as part of a 2014 study on grass-finished beef forages. CAES News
Two-day grazing school tackles fencing and soil health in detail
A two-day Advanced Grazing School, hosted by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialists Sept. 19-20, will provide a deeper understanding of grazing systems to those in attendance. 
Founded in 1222, UNIPD — now home to UGA's dual master's degree program in sustainable agriculture — is considered the fifth-oldest university in the world. Located about 25 miles from Venice in northern Italy's Veneto region, the city of Padova is much older. Padova traces its roots to 1183 B.C. In addition to scores of notable faculty and alumni – Galileo Galilei taught mathematics at UNIPD for 17 years, and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus and Andrea Vesalio, the founder of modern anatomy, both studied there – the world's oldest botanical garden, established in 1545, is also located at the university. CAES News
First UGA student begins study at Italy's University of Padova as part of dual master's degree program
UGA Tifton graduate heads to Italy to pursue dual master's degree in sustainable agriculture.