News Stories - Page 61

Ornamentals, like native azalea 'Rosy Cheeks,' perform well when planted in the fall. The key is to follow proper planting techniques. This includes digging the planting hole twice as big as the plant's rootball and breaking up the rootball before planting. CAES News
Outdoor watering rules during Level 2 drought response
Prolonged dry weather has prompted an elevated drought response for northwest Georgia. But under all levels of drought response, new plant material can be installed under a 30-day exemption period. Once the establishment period has expired, the drought-response watering practices must be followed accordingly.
State Extension units, the Southern Regional Extension Forestry (SREF) office, and other agencies have several wildland fire resources for use in the southeastern region of the United States with a particular focus on rural wildland-urban interface (WUI) areas. CAES News
Smoke from Georgia's wildfires spreading across northern Georgia
If you’ve walked outside during the last week, you’ve probably noticed the smell of smoke in the air. Wildfires associated with the current exceptional drought that is covering much of northern Georgia and surrounding states has created perfect conditions for the growth of these fires.
UGA Regents Professor Andrew Paterson is leading an international team working toward sustainable intensification of sorghum production. CAES News
Feeding the world: UGA geneticist enhancing sorghum's drought resiliency
When University of Georgia plant geneticist Andrew Paterson began searching for lines of sorghum that might survive in some of the most parched places in the world, he didn’t plant trials in the desert.
As of Nov. 1, almost 75 percent of Georgia has been designated as having abnormally dry or drought conditions, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Image credit: USDA Drought Monitor. CAES News
Almost 75 percent of Georgia now experience some level of drought or abnormally dry conditions
After five months of above-normal temperatures and dry conditions, almost 75 percent of Georgia is now experiencing some level of drought or abnormally dry conditions.
On Nov. 7, 2016 the University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences honored faculty and staff at the D.W. Brooks Lecture and Awards Ceremony. Those honored included; from left front row; Brian Fairchild, Julia Gaskin, JoAnne Norris, Wayne Parrott, Bill Tyson; and from left back row; Peter LaFayette, Carla Barnett, Lindsey Barner, Tim Brenneman, Nick Fuhrman and Ron Walcott. CAES News
Speaker blames lack of will — not a lack of food — for global epidemic of malnutrition
One in four children will suffer severe developmental issues due to hunger. Although this number may be overwhelming, nothing will change if people continue to ignore the problem.
Sushil Yadav, a Borlaug Fellow who spent four months at the University of Georgia Center for Applied Genetic Technologies working with Zenglu Li, learning “metabolic fingerprinting” skills that he'll take back t the Central Research Institute for Dryland Research in India. CAES News
Borlaug Fellows Team with UGA Researchers to Enhance Food Security in Home Countries
For many Indian families, “pulse” crops – lentils and other legumes that are eaten as porridges – are essential. Not only are they an important source of protein, but these pulse crops can also grow on poor soil and produce lentils and legumes even with limited and erratic rainfall.