Henry Y. Sintim

Assistant Professor Crop & Soil Sciences
Portrait of Henry Y. Sintim
Contact Information hsintim@uga.edu 229-386-3555
Shipping Address Tifton, CAES Campus 2360 RAINWATER ROAD, TIFTON, GA 31793

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Portrait of Henry Y. Sintim

About Dr.  Sintim

Dr. Henry Sintim is a soil fertility and plant nutrition specialist based at the UGA Tifton Campus, with 60% research and 40% extension responsibilities.

Dr. Sintim’s research focuses on adaptive nutrient management strategies to increase efficiency, productivity, and profitability of row crops, with minimal ecological footprints. Specific studies include mapping nutrient uptake dynamic in row crops to inform timely intervention, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of inorganic fertilizer sources and biological amendments. Dr. Sintim’s research also focuses on the application of sustainable management practices to improve overall soil health, as well as innovative soil health assessment strategies.

His extension activities include assisting county extension agents through demonstrations, in-service-trainings, meetings, county visits, and telephone consultations. He also develops educational materials on best management practices related to plant nutrition, soil fertility, and crop production. Dr. Sintim has a keen interest in collaborative research projects and mentoring students.