J.Michael Moore

Extension Agronomist - Tobacco Crop & Soil Sciences
Portrait of J.Michael Moore
Mailing Address Tifton, CAES Campus 2360 Rainwater Road, Tifton, GA 31793-5766
Shipping Address Tifton, CAES Campus 4604 Research Way, Horticulture Building, Tifton, GA 31793

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Portrait of J.Michael Moore

Dr. Moore's responsibilities are to develop and implement Extension educational programs on producing and managing flue-cured tobacco. He works closely with county Extension agents, researchers and commodity and agribusiness groups to provide sound, research-based recommendations to assist Georgia farmers in producing high-quality flue-cured tobacco.

As Tobacco Specialist, he has coordinated the educational efforts of a team of specialists which have worked together to provide agents and growers alike the most up-to-date and factual information on tobacco production, harvesting, curing and marketing available.


UGA Tobacco Team