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Griffin, CAES Campus
1109 Experiment Street, Redding Building 276, Griffin, GA 30223
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Griffin, CAES Campus
1109 Experiment Street, Redding Building 276, Griffin, GA 30223
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Dr. Habteselassie’s research activities focus on the fate and transport of human pathogens in soil in relation to food safety and water quality. His laboratory is also active in research that examines the impacts of different agricultural management systems on soil microbial communities that mediate N and C cycles.
Dr. Habteselassie is involved in teaching two courses, Soil Microbiology (CRSS/MIBO 4610/6610) and Soils and Hydrology (CRSS 3060). He is also active in undergraduate student mentoring.
Dr. Habteselassie is a member of the Center for Food Safety at the UGA Griffin Campus.
For more information, please visit the Soil Microbiology Laboratory website.