Nicholas Tuschak Basinger

Associate Professor | Weed Biology, Ecology, and Integrated Weed Management Crop & Soil Sciences
Portrait of Nicholas Tuschak Basinger
Mailing Address Athens, CAES Campus 4105 Miller Plant Sci, 120 Carlton St., Athens, GA 30602
Shipping Address Athens, CAES Campus 3111 Miller Plant Sci, 120 Carlton St., Athens, GA 30602

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Portrait of Nicholas Tuschak Basinger

About Dr. Basinger

Dr. Basinger received his Ph.D. from North Carolina State University where he studied the impacts of weed interference on biomass accumulation of weed and crop species as well as the impacts on crop yield.

Dr. Basinger has a 60% research and 40% teaching appointment in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences.  His focuses on the alteration and manipulation of the agroecosystem and ecosystems surrounding non-cropland areas to reduce the impacts of weeds. His research interests include exploring aspects of weed interference and crop-weed interactions, herbicide efficacy, remote sensing of weeds, and developing novel management systems for both cropland and non-cropland areas. He teaches Weed Science (CRSS 4340/6340-CRSS 4340L/6340L), Physiology of Herbicide Action (CRSS 8330), and Experiential Weed Science Contest Preparation (CRSS 6360).


Nicholas Basinger's Google Scholar Page