Pam Knox

Senior Public Service Associate--Director of the UGA Weather Network and Agricultural Climatologist Crop & Soil Sciences
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About Pam Knox

Pam Knox is the Director of the UGA Weather Network, a network of 86 stations around the state which have been recording weather and climate data starting in 1991. She is also an agricultural climatologist for the University of Georgia in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, which is part of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.  In that position she provides outreach and education on climate and its effects on crops and livestock in the Southeastern US. She also provides weather and climate data and analyses to university scientists and user groups across the region. In addition, she is a regional coordinator for the volunteer CoCoRaHS (Community Cooperative Rain Hail and Snow) rainfall network in Georgia and is serving on the advisory board for the Georgia Weather Network. Pam is also an active Certified Consulting Meteorologist in the areas of forensic meteorology and climatology.

In the past Pam has also worked as the Georgia Assistant State Climatologist, the Wisconsin State Climatologist and in the National Weather Service. She also previously served as President of the American Association of State Climatologists and on the American Meteorological Society’s Board of Applied Climatology and Board of Continuing Professional Development. She now serves on the technical advisory boards for the Southeast Regional Climate Center (NOAA) and the Southeast Regional Climate Hub (USDA).


On The CASE: Climate and Agriculture in the South East - Pam Knox's climate blog