Qingguo (Jack) Huang

Professor Crop & Soil Sciences
Portrait of Qingguo (Jack) Huang
Contact Information qhuang@uga.edu 770-229-3302

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Portrait of Qingguo (Jack) Huang


Dr. Huang’s research interest focuses on catalysis involved in the environmental transformation of organic pollutants, and development of catalysis-based technology for pollution control and environmental remediation and management.

His laboratory has been actively involved in four cutting-edge research topics:

  1. enzyme-based technology for water/wastewater treatment and soil remediation
  2. electrochemical and reactive electrochemical membrane processes in wastewater treatment
  3. catalysis in biofuel production and agro-ecosystem management
  4. environmental application and implication of nanomaterials

He has published over 110 peer-reviewed journal articles, 5 book chapters and 5 patent applications. He taught three courses at the University Georgia: Introduction to Water Quality, Environmental Measurement, and Advanced Instrumental Analysis in Environmental Studies.