About Scott Tubbs
Dr. Tubbs has a 65% extension, 30% research, and 5% service appointment, mostly conducting research in the area of peanut production. His work especially includes applied agronomic research such as seeding rate / plant population, row spacing, tillage practices, crop rotations, cover crop utilization, nutrient cycling, inoculants / fertility, maturity, and replant decisions. Often, the easiest and most cost-effective solution to a grower’s primary limiting production problem is a change in agronomic strategy, which is what Dr. Tubbs’ program is geared toward diagnosing. Ideally, it is my goal to help growers achieve maximized profits while improving environmental impacts from their operations.
He received a B.S. and M.S. in Agricultural Operations Management, and a Ph.D. in Agronomy, all from the University of Florida. He moved to Tifton in 2007 after a 3-year stint in Lincoln, NE where he worked as a Postdoctoral Soil Scientist for USDA-ARS. Dr. Tubbs is married to Diosa, who is likewise originally from the Orlando area, and the Tubbs family also consists of 3 boys.