Binita Ghimire

Binita Ghimire headshot


Binita Ghimire is pursuing her doctorate in Integrated Precision Agriculture at the University of Georgia, where she's focusing on optimization of water and nitrogen in farming. Binita's journey into agriculture began in her native country, Nepal, influenced by her family's farming background. She pursued an undergraduate degree in agricultural sciences at Tribhuvan University, where her research focused on how different quantities of seedlings could affect production in different varieties of rice. Her passion for agriculture led her to work with Helen Keller International as a homestead training intern, where she learned firsthand about the struggles of Nepalese farmers dealing with the unpredictable nature of rainfed agriculture and the broader impacts of climate change. This experience deepened her resolve to tackle these issues on a larger scale, prompting her to move to the U.S. for further studies. She earned her master’s in Environmental Science and Sustainability from Texas Christian University, where she analyzed the future implications of climate change on rainfall patterns for her thesis. Now, with a commitment to blending sustainability with the latest in agricultural technology, Binita is dedicated to advancing her field through precision agriculture, focusing on making farming more efficient and environmentally friendly.

Research Interests

Binita Ghimire is passionate about harnessing the latest technological advancements to improve agricultural sustainability and efficiency. Her research focuses on the innovative use of remote sensing, along with different sensors and cameras, to better manage essential resources like water and nitrogen. Intrigued by how these technologies can provide detailed insights into plant health, Binita is dedicated to refining these tools to offer precise guidance to farmers. She is particularly enthusiastic about exploring the potential of remote sensing to help farmers in Georgia adopt more sustainable practices.

Current Projects

Binita’s current project focuses on optimizing nitrogen usage at different irrigation levels for corn production in Georgia. She's also investigating the capabilities of remote sensing technology, using multispectral and thermal cameras to detect nitrogen and water stress in corn throughout the growing season. This involves experimenting with different vegetation indices and spectral band combinations to achieve the most accurate results. In addition, Binita is validating these remote sensing techniques by correlating their findings with actual physiological parameters measured on the ground. Finally, she is exploring the use of machine learning models to predict corn yields based on varying conditions of nitrogen and irrigation, using different spectral and physiological parameters data, aiming to bring precision to agricultural practices in ways that benefit both farmers and the environment.

Recent Work

Evaluating Non-Stationarity in Precipitation Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for the Dallas–Fort Worth Metroplex, Texas, USA

Favorite Quote

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?" — Albert Einstein


Hiking, Swimming, Cooking, reading fiction books, Travelling, Playing Badminton