Logan Moore

In His Own Words ...
Since graduating with an M.S. from the dual degree program between the University of Georgia and the University of Padova, I have begun a Ph.D. program through the plant pathology department at the University of Georgia. Under the direction of Dr. Tim Brenneman, I am currently studying fungicide resistance issues involving the pecan scab fungus, Venturia effusa. We are working towards determining the mechanisms of resistance to the DMI fungicides for this particular plant pathogen and comparing fungicide sensitivity of isolates from different pecan cultivars.
On the weekends and late afternoons, I also work with Southeast Ag. Research collecting data using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). I spend this time collecting aerial imagery with multispectral cameras, and using computer software to generate NDVI maps and plot level statistics.
Upon completion of my degree in plant pathology, I plan to return to Southeast Ag. Research in pursuit of a full time career. This position will incorporate all disciplines of agriculture, which will utilize both my degree from the crop and soil sciences department, as well as my degree from the plant pathology department.