Master in Soil, Water, and Environmental Sciences
Program of Study
- Minimum of 36 hours
- Includes four out of five core courses (soil microbiology and lab, soil chemistry, soil physics, hydrology and soil morphology/pedology)
- Includes 1 hour of seminar
- Includes 3 hours of statistics
- Includes 3 hours of a special problems course
- Remaining 16 to 17 hours are selected from three elective areas:
- Resource management
- Technology and analytics
- Policy and law
Core Courses (12 to 15 credits)
- Soil Physics, 3 credits
- Soil Chemistry, 3 credits
- Soil Microbiology, 3 credits
- Soil Microbiology Lab, 1 credit
- Soil Morphology/Pedology, 3 credits
- Hydrology, 3 credits
Additional Required Courses (7 credits)
- Seminar, 1 credit
- Statistical Methods, 3 credits
- Special Problems in Crop and Soil Sciences, 3 credits
Electives (16 to 17 credits)
Courses in resource management, technology/analytics and policy/law
Degree Code
Graduate Coodinator
Miguel L. Cabrera
Professor - Soil Science; GA Power Professor in Environmental Remediation & Soil Chemistry